Sunday, April 4, 2010

love of my life.

I love the thought of making a little person with someone you LOVE
hehehe... such a mix of the two individuals.

Tavé is so me (stubbornness, creativeness and nerdiness), with Jeremy's hair colour and his loving, kindness, compassion and his musical awesomeness. I love capturing their moment together... she is such a daddy's little princess. Lately, she's been telling me to go away and let her have her alone time with daddy... cracks me up but i found it soooo cute! Sometimes, she'll also break me up when Jeremy kisses me and she wants kisses from daddy too.

Isn't God amazing! His love towards His children is so amazing and we're the exact replica of Him! We'd do absolutely everything and anything for our kiddies!

Renita Stuart Photography
Renita Stuart Photography
Renita Stuart Photography

1 comment:

Cyn said...

You are so good!! and God loves you and your family so much!
My prayers are always with you! xoxox