Thursday, April 29, 2010

a day in a life.

ok. I am taking my breath big time. breathe.... breathe... breathe... (sounds a bit like giving birth doesn't it? but it's NOT that.)
Life is all of a sudden become sooo full for me. I remember only 2 months ago I asked God time and time again "what am I suppose to do this year?" since... obviously, this year doesn't go according to what I have planned...

Big news! I'm no longer a lady of leisure (some say that, but never thought I was ever in leisure) but ok, I might've taken a nap here and there whenever I could last year, but now... I have become a working woman (woop woop)... once again! I KNOW!!!! Which I am enjoying!
Thus, the blogging business has becoming a bit slack.
I better do put some cute ones of
Tavé with her aunty Carine learning how to write the letter "T" and of course.... her new cute hair cut.

Renita Stuart Photography
Renita Stuart Photography
Renita Stuart Photography
Renita Stuart Photography
Renita Stuart Photography

1 comment:

Cyn said...

I super love her new haircute!
she looks cuter! :)
and she's learning to write :)
Congrats on your new job :)