Friday, April 16, 2010

dear Tavé

have I told you lately how beautiful you are?
and how much I love your tight passionate hug
I miss your voice and presence when you're not around
but I love it even more when you run to me and give me a cuddle after hours being apart

my gorgeous little one, one of my favourite thing is to watch you fall asleep.
you always fights it and tickle my face with mr. bunbun's deteriorated ears until we both giggle

sometimes i wonder where you got your cute grown up attitude from
did you copy me when i put some paw paw ointment on my lips? gosh... you copy everything i do.
you grow up too fast! at least i can stop time with these pictures...
just want you to know...
that I love you every second of every minute since the moment you were born!

Love, Mommy! xoxoxoxo

Renita Stuart Photography
Renita Stuart Photography
Renita Stuart Photography

1 comment:

Cyn said...

such awwww moment pictures!!!
She's so you!