Thursday, November 25, 2010

sisterly love.

I get the giddy feeling when I was editing this session. I love love love sisterly love, cuddles and kisses!
Since we have no idea what we're having and miss Tavé is so sold that she is having a little sister (as she ALWAYS reminds me that she loves her little sister inside mommy's tummy whenever she cuddles me)

Jeremy and I honestly wouldn't mind having 2 girls... awwww... imagine the pretend play they will have together, not to mention... endless tea party. Jeremy just wanted a boy who he can teach rugby or cricket i think... and be rough with... yeah...

love love! sisterly love indeed. I might have another competition on guessing what the sex of the baby is AND need help with names! aaargghhh... it would be the hardest task in the world i think.... choosing the perfect name for your baby/ies!

Renita Stuart Photography

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