Wednesday, October 27, 2010

things i did in canberra

hello hello! many of you wondered what i did in Canberra and how come there's no photos posted on my blog about it. keep your pants on... here are some of the cute picsies i did... i got to shot this super cute little family (well, not so little when you have 3 gorgeous kiddies)!

yes, i went to the JinkyArt Workshop and totally went head over heels with the whole 3 days i was there. I fell in love with Barb and Erin from JinkyArt, also to the 11 other lovely photographer friends from across the globe! 9 of them are from all over Australia, 1 from the Philippines and 1... believe it or not, lives 3 minutes away from me! hahaha, yes Jamie, i'm talking about you!
Easily one of the best weekend I had in my life (beside marrying Jeremy weekend and the weekend I gave birth to Tave of course.) so thank you everyone for making it so memorable and lovely! xo

Renita Stuart Photography
Renita Stuart Photography
Renita Stuart Photography
Renita Stuart Photography
Renita Stuart Photography

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