Tuesday, January 18, 2011

love is in the air.

Pregnancy hormone is the one thing I never get why it goes up and down like a roller coaster. About 4 days ago I was quite cranky not quite sure why... i blame the hot weather. but then the day after that, i was so happy and smiling and even i told Jeremy how happy and blessed I am... to have a great life, husband, and the best family in the WORLD!!! (which is sooo true, right?)
He looked at me first thing with a bit of a confused and disbelief look and said "I'm glad, babe. Next time you're cranky, i have to remind myself of this moment when you said that you're really happy" sigh... i feel so bad...

Anyway, I'm feeling some love today, and what other client photos could be better than these ones to show you how clucky i am of little babies and how i can NOT wait to meet my little prince / princess. 7 weeks to go and counting down the weeks... til then, enjoy the sun.

baby love

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