Tuesday, August 30, 2011

rusk. rusk. rusk

teething rusk. first day of it today... the camera was just there beside me thus these photos. i think there's this tooth just peeking around the corner..... i hope B just sail away smoothly with teething time like his older sis.

IT IS the last day of winter! yay
grey weather today, we stayed at home. Tavé and I did some paintings in the morning while Benjamin had his morning nap. one of the paintings she did was this swirl of mixed colours (which looks like interesting mushy fungus green) with a splash of pink, brown and purple.

me: "Tavé what are you painting?"
Tavé: "not poo"

ps. i have to show you the paintings next time. quite interesting really, different titles too. one of them was "angry chinese girl" hmmmm... yes..... as i said before. interesting.

teething rusk
teething rusk
teething rusk
chubby foot

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