Thursday, July 7, 2011


here is one of my mom's dog // Tave's favourite dog while in Indonesia

there's a story behind this dog when we were in Indonesia.

after the wedding finished, we came home around 11.30pm and when mom was about to hop into bed, she realised that nonong was missing (ok.. one dog out of 15 dogs that she had) so here's my dad, Jeremy and the maids went around the neighbourhood around midnight looking for this dog. we expected he went outside the house around mid day (since our house was pretty hectic during this day)

at around 3am, we found out that he was found by a becak man (becak: an indonesian rickshaw) who sold him to a bad animal market for $15! so mom freaked out and talked to him the next morning and asked him to get nonong back! and get this! he asked for $60!!! grrrr... seriously... people could make a living doing this! at this guy had his brother killed because apparently the guy stole so many dogs to be chopped up as dog satay at his streetside restaurant! Oh MY GOSH!

ok. nonong is safe now. hooray!


1 comment:

AdeLheid said...

Lovely dog & cute name :D Thanks God he's safe now...