Sunday, March 14, 2010

dream big.

If you haven't met my aunty and uncle (well, technically they're Jeremy's aunty and uncle... but i'm claiming them too), you so need to, hey! The bestest people//parental//builder ever! hehe
So last Saturday we went and visited them on the site where they're building their first home in OZ. That's so exciting, how we get to picture how the house will look like and who's room is this and that... I've even picked a room where Tave will sleep at when she comes around and stay at their place. Fun times! It's time to dream big, 'cos there will come a time (soon) that Jeremy and I will build our first home. Ohhhh i can't contain my excitement!

Renita Stuart Photography
Renita Stuart Photography
Renita Stuart Photography
Renita Stuart Photography
Renita Stuart Photography

1 comment:

Cyn said...

I'm excited for them too! and yes, you and Jeremy will do it too one day :) DREAM BIG!